Wet stock management is the process that a petrol station would use to keep track of the purchase and sales of all fuel delivered and dispensed on their site. Proper wet Stock management is important in the day to day operations of a Retail Service Station or any fuel storage facility. It is crucial to the early detection of potential problems such as leaks, fuel losses and poor operational management of product.
Experiencing high fuel losses at your petrol station can be a major concern. Unfortunately, fuel theft can occur at various points, from before delivery to your tanks to after dispensing to customers. This leads to significant financial losses for Kenyan petrol station owners.
At Exstream Energy, our expertise lies in Fuel Tank Calibration Services in Kenya. As leading Tank Calibration Specialists in Kenya, we can help you and your staff implement a system for accurate fuel tracking, right from the source. This will empower you to identify and eliminate fuel losses plaguing your station.
By incorporating consistent and accurate monitoring of fuel delivered, stored, and dispensed, we can pinpoint leaks and losses within your underground tanks and connected pipeline systems. Our Fuel Tank Calibration Services in Kenya are essential for any petrol station owner seeking to regain control of their fuel inventory and put a stop to excessive losses.